1. Cats are great. We all know this. But, like, they’re also super, super weird.

Holahopa / Via reddit.com

2. One minute, they’re totally normal. The next, they’re standing like a human.

Gutsyslap1 / Via reddit.com

3. Or crouching like a human, which is even more off-putting.

ngunter7 / Via imgur.com

4. They find the strangest places to relax.

Lastrigon / Via imgur.com

5. You know, just chillin’ on the shower taps, NBD.

yoruichisan / Via imgur.com

6. They spend a lot of time and effort achieving peculiar things.

7. What is this one even doing???

IHaeTypos / Via reddit.com

8. Cats definitely have an inflated sense of ego about themselves.

9. They fall asleep in the weirdest places.

conquistadors96 / Via reddit.com

10. Seriously, the weirdest.

GitanaGatita / Via imgur.com

11. And in any position, too.

Graboidsarecool / Via imgur.com

12. Doesn’t matter where they are; it’s just time for snoozes.

13. They can give you a heart attack by doing literally nothing.

14. They hate water but love the shower.


15. And sometimes they don’t hate water. PICK A SIDE, CATS.

16. When you catch them being total weirdos, they look at you like you’re the one intruding.

silverinthemine / Via imgur.com

17. Sometimes you wonder if your cat is defective.

Tezius / Via imgur.com

18. And you question if even they know what they’re doing.

19. What’s going on in those cute little brains of theirs?

20. But despite how weird they are, sometimes you wish you could see the world through your cat’s eyes.

21. Although on second thought, maybe we’re better off not knowing.

Qingy / Via reddit.com